Revolutionary Road Trip!
One of the strengths of Eden Fellows is that it welcomes people from all streams of Christian faith, regardless of denomination or theological stance. We believe that having the astounding diversity of the kingdom present among our fellows challenges and forms us in incredibly important ways. It’s the unity of the Spirit that holds us together in community, not our preferences or even our beliefs.
This past weekend, our fellows got a chance to see such diversity exhibited in an even more spectacular way when they joined up with the Nurturing Communities Network in Leitchfield, KY, for a gathering in which intentional Christian communities of various stripes came together to explore the topic of Revolutionary Peacemaking. More than 220 folks from 25 communities in North America attended, and the glorious diversity of the kingdom was surely on display! Conversations explored how we, as disciples of Jesus, might follow the Prince of Peace to seek peace within ourselves, peace within our communities, and peace in the broader world. (For more details, check out this blog post from one attendee.)
It was a rich time, full of beautiful scenery, fascinating dialogue, and immense hospitality between people whose expressions of Christian community look rather different from each other. Pair all that together with a 2000-mile road trip for our Fellows crew, and it was truly a formative and unforgettable time!