Silent Retreat — God Speaks Loudly!

So much of the time, our busy lives—including the things we’re doing for God’s kingdom—keep us distracted and exhausted. We desperately need space to slow down, rest, and attend to God. That kind of restful, attentive space is exactly what the Eden Fellows silent retreat is designed to facilitate. By taking a break from the busyness of life and our routines—stepping away, even momentarily, from the many demands on our hearts, minds, and lives—we make space to be with God, listening, learning, and connecting.

A silent retreat is silent not because we just love quiet (though this introvert certainly does!) but rather so that we can listen. There’s a lot going on inside of us, and the quiet helps us listen to our longings, needs, and inner wisdom—things we normally can’t hear over the constant noise that surrounds everyday life. And the deep, extended silence also allows us to attend more fully to what God might be longing to show us, things we’re normally too distracted to notice.

 The first ever Eden Fellows silent retreat was a huge blessing to all of us. It was a new experience for most‚ and for that reason came along with some challenges and awkwardness. And that’s okay! But even in the challenges and awkwardness, we encountered things about ourselves, each other, and God that we might not have otherwise. Though our time was short (just about 24 hours), it was formative, helping us center ourselves and come away incredibly refreshed! Praise God for times of focused connection!


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