Adventure Weekend — A Chance to Connect
Three young men who are just starting to get to know each other, sent out for three days together with only mysterious step-by-step instructions to guide them in fun and oftentimes surprising activities— this was the Eden Fellows’ first ever Adventure Weekend! What could go wrong?? (Thankfully, spoiler alert, nothing did!)
The guys were equipped only with what they’d been instructed to pack and a series of numbered envelopes that would reveal each successive stage of their journey. They also brought their adventurous spirits, as you can tell from the photos below!
We don’t want to offer too many details and thus spoil the surprise for any future fellows. But this year, at least, the adventures included hiking at a natural park, watching the evening emergence of a colony of bats, staying overnight in a safari tent, grape-stomping at a festival, and joining in a river tour led by an Olympian kayaker!
Along with some road trip time and chances to connect and get to know each other better, all this led to some really great opportunities for this new Eden Fellows class to deepen their relationships, bond together, and forge some memories that will last a lifetime. What a wonderful way to start off the year together!