Mason King

Dallas, TX

Abilene Christian University
BA, Bible and Ministry
Emphasis: Biblical Text

Mason is interested in many areas of study, but above all is interested in theology and Christian spirituality. He is also interested in the biblical languages, serving as both a Logos Fellow and CSART (Center for the Study of Ancient Religious Texts) Scholar. Mason graduated summa cum laude from ACU with a degree in Bible and Ministry, with a focus in Biblical Text. He is now attending ACU’s Graduate School of Theology to pursue both a Master of Divinity and a Master of Arts in Ancient and Oriental Christianity.

When Mason is not studying for tests and writing papers, he enjoys reading books and articles that are about Christian spirituality, specifically ancient Christian practice. He also enjoys spending time with his friends, and engaging in conversations concerning faith, current issues, and Star Wars. He enjoys playing guitar (although he is definitely in need of more practice), painting, and writing on matters of faith and Christian practice.

Mason has two loving parents (Jamie and Charonne), two older sisters (Carley and Gabby), and an adorable baby niece (Payton).

During his time with Eden Fellows, Mason was interested in being the hands and feet of Jesus, serving in the nonprofit sector and reaching historically marginalized communities. We were able to find a great placement for him at Big Brothers Big Sisters of West Central Texas! Check out his résumé to learn more about him!

Why is Mason excited about being an Eden Fellow? Here's what he had to say:

"I was excited to hear about the Eden Fellows program from my friend, and fellow Eden fellow, Jared Yanez. Laura Callarman, and the rest of the Eden Fellows Team's vision for Christian formation and community is nothing short of a glimpse of heaven. When we gather as believers, we truly are engaging God's divine plan. I am excited to see how God moves within our community this year, and I pray that I will not only learn much concerning Christian formation, but also get opportunities to practice what I am learning in my life. I am impressed with the team's passion for not only dwelling in Christian community, but taking the commands of Christ concerning love and compassion, and a strong sense of social justice, out into the city of Abilene, and the surrounding areas, to aid historically marginalized communities. I am excited to see how this shapes my understanding of vocation, and I am eager for this time of discernment of calling as I serve God, his church, and my community."